SKORNE Backgrounds

March 09, 2024

SKORNE is a wonderful game system and implied setting. I adore it. I wrote d66 backgrounds for PCs. Create a character following the usual procedure, but keep note of the rolls to generate the gold crowns a PC gets, noting them in d66 format (i.e. one is a tens digit, the other is a ones digit).  Then look up your background on the table below.

Before you were a renegade...

11. You were a charcoal burner. Take a lump of charcoal. Your skin is soot black.
12. You were an onion farmer. Take a sack of onions. Your breath is repulsive.
13. You were a crackpot apothecary. Take a flask of a liquid that will put your guts into knots. Your eyebrows are burned off.
14. You were a drug dealer. Take a hallucinogen. You have an ugly scar on your face from a fight.
15. You were a slime fisher. Take a pole. You have weathered, leathery skin.
16. You were a execution herald. Take a horn. You are missing two fingers.


21. You were a slaver. Take a whip. You have a fake eye.
22. You were a mad philosopher's assistant. Take a quill like a dagger. You have very necessary spectacles.
23. You were a begger. Take a tattered blanket. You need a cane to walk.
24. You were an actor. Take a fake knife. You have no hair.
25. You were a vermin cook. Take a rusty chef's knife. You have an infectious disease.
26. You were a fool. Take a bell. You have a ball and chain attached to your foot.


31. You were a gongfarmer. Take an empty pot. You have no shoes.
32. You were an herbalist. Take a small flask. You have a drug addiction.
33. You were a cutpurse. Take a rusty knife. You have a bounty on your head.
34. You were a torturer. Take a nasty tool. You cannot handle anything delicately.
35. You were a burglar. Take d6 more gold crowns. You are deaf in one ear.
36. You were a rat shepherd. Take a crook. You are no friend of cats.


41. You were an ascetic. Take nothing. You have mystical insight.
42. You were a pissprophet. Take a full jar. You drink nothing.
43. You were a scullion. Take a chipped plate. You smell strongly of soap.
44. You were a deserter. Take a broken sword. You fear battle.
45. You were a poacher. Take a set of antlers. You are paranoid.
46. You were a swineherd. Take a herding dog. You understand pigs.


51. You were an astrologer. Take a star map. You know of a curse upon you, from beyond the stars.
52. You were a butcher. Take a cleaver. You perpetually smell of blood.
53. You were in a cult. Take tattered robes. You sometimes see beyond the veil.
54. You were a religious warrior. Take a blunt weapon. You go into a frenzy at the sight of blasphemy.
55. You were a compost farmer. Take a rake. You know the scents of excrement.
56. You were a painter. Take a bottle of color. You are slightly colorblind.


61. You were a rag and bone man. Take a tattered sack. You know the value of any nearly worthless item.
62. You were a drunkard. Take an empty bottle. You still stumble, even when you are sober.
63. You were a bandit. Take a facemask. You cannot resist stealing from someone vulnerable.
64. You were a fence. Take a blood-stained goblet. You have shady contacts.
65. You were a rat catcher. Take a rat tail. You are quite evasive in shadowy places.
66. You were a priest. Take a book of scripture. You are 60.


Some of the background names were taken from a GLOG document, the one with d100 backgrounds.


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