
Showing posts from April, 2024

Movie DnD and Volatile Toolbox DnD

April 12, 2024

I observed some discussion on Matt Colville on Discord this morning, and it reminded me of an idea I had some time ago related to one of Matt's ideas, but taken a whole different way. I used to like Matt... just before I discovered the OSR. Then I left and haven't looked back. But I have some hazy memories that have resisted suppression. They haunt me, when I am alone late at night after a cancelled session (like yesterday, when I was too sick to run my usual game). Anyways, in one of Matt's videos, he classifies certain players as 'audience members,' meaning that they just sit back and watch the show. Matt (if I remember the video correctly), takes no umbrage at players doing this. Fine. I want to flip this classification around on the GM, and ask, if you have audience members at your table, are you writing a movie? After being immersed in OSR ideas for a while, this seems like a headache. Those familiar (which is probably everybody reading) will understand what I

Next Time, Choose Diegetics.

April 02, 2024

DO YOU have rules lawyers at your table? Players who want to abuse mechanics in nonsensical ways? DO YOU have players that want strong narrative, want worldbuilding, and a sense of mystery without the monologues? DO YOU want to encourage engagement with the world and exploration across the map? Next time, try DIEGETICS. This is a tried and true solution to the above problems, and others you may encounter at YOUR, yes you, RPG session.  WHAT IS DIEGETICS? Diegetics (also known as Immersive Gaming) is playing an RPG by way of describing the world and its details as it is. Players then describe their actions, and the logic of the world is discussed to determine the outcome. You may roll dice if deemed reasonable (or just desired), but is not necessary. That's it! Three simple steps for easier, faster, more fun gaming! BUT SAM doesn't this hide information from the players unnecessarily?  NO. It does hide information, for example that a sword is magically sharp, but not unnecessari