To the Glory of St. Hyundai

This is a pre-adventure for Troika's The Blancmage & Thistle. The party has arrived in Troika and needs transport to the hotel. The travel desk at the train station will direct the party to a bus station outside, and to ride for 3 stops.

Bus Station

The station has a small delegation of monks from the order of St. Hyundai, praying for a bus. They will attempt to convert the party to their order and offer advice in return.

  1. The head monk will ask a random PC to lead the group in prayer that is consistent and closely follows the Honda Accord of 19774.

    Proffered advice: Take seats near the back of the bus, the bus driver will be enveloped in an opaque cloud.

  2. Partake in the holy sacraments: drink a thick black sludge (motor oil) and eat a bolt. Effects of Sacraments:

    1. Nothing
    2. Headlight Eyes
    3. Car Horn Speech
    4. Big Rear Bumper
    5. Wheeled Feet
    6. Head Sunroof, exposing insides

    Nothing happens to the monks upon partaking, and they have never seen anything like this.

    Proffered Advice: Only listen to beings with heads.

  3. Meditate for the return of the True Bus. A bus arrives during meditation, announcing “Last ride!” and “To the Blancmage & Thistle.” The monks remain meditating, and if PCs leave, they decry the bus as a false prophet.

    Proffered advice: The bus that just arrived will eat you alive. (Not delivered should the PCs enter the bus).

On The Bus

The bus driver’s seat and bus entrance is completely obscured by an opaque black cloud. A garbled voice informs the party that fare will be due on arrival. Already sitting in the back is a gigantic praying mantis. Upon seeing any fleshy PCs, it will attempt to attack with intent to consume. Stats as Lizard-man. Otherwise makes shy, awkward conversation.

Stop 1

Mantis buzzes off (should it be alive to do so). A headless man with a horse attempts to enter, but is told to put his horse on the rack. The headless man approaches the party, pulling a carved gourd from somewhere and resting it on his neck. He then monologues to the party on the history of the country Merga. Attempting to disengage or change topic will upset the decapitated acquaintance. If he gets really upset, he will stand up and go to smash his gourd. If he does so, he sits down quietly and pulls out another gourd to begin again. Listening to the lecture will inevitably result in one of the following:

  1. A deep slumber
  2. Visions of a woodsy village with a covered bridge
  3. Intense confusion over the historical details
  4. Disinterest and disdsain
  5. Interest in a bug on the window
  6. Wonder and curiosity

Stop 2

The rider disembarks, retrieving his horse from the bike rack with many a neigh, whinny, and scream. A humanoid covered head to toe in flies, buzzing cacophanously, enters the bus.

The thing will introduce itself as Xyuminatalayr, a demon of rot and death. He also says he comes bearing gifts. Many arms extends offering items:

  1. A trained crawling hand
  2. A small, gaudy statuette of a bipedal fly in the "thinker" position
  3. A tombstone fragment, engraved with "-emberment"
  4. Bottle of embalming fluid
  5. A pocketwatch ("for announcing time of death!")
  6. An old locket, empty ("for who I might delay in collecting...")

After giving gifts, the demon burst into a cloud of flies (no body beneath) and leaves through the air conditioning vents.

Stop 3

The bus driver announces (for the first time) “The Blancmage & Thistle!” but the doors do not open. The cloud around the bus entrance clears to reveal a giant mouth. The bus begins to shorten, pushing the party to the mouth. Escape or be consumed!

Windows could be broken (with an appropriate test), spells could be cast, or prayers could be offered. In fact, if any prayers are offered by those affected by St. Hyundai’s sacraments, the bus begins to die, disintegrating around the party.

The bus will consume the party after 6 actions are taken. Each PC has a 1-in-6 chance of being regurgitated, oily but unharmed, onto the pavement.

The Blancmage & Thistle is just across the street. If any passerby is asked about the encounter, they don’t pay it much interest but comment that the city of Troika ended its public transport a few years ago due to budget cuts.

Welcome to the Blancmage & Thistle!