Times That Fry Men's Souls

A weird hexcrawl set during the American Revolution, in New Jersey and New York. Run from a campaign guide with my own additional locations and scenarios.

Rule Information

Run using Old School Essentials with a few house rules.

Character Generation

Generate all ability scores using 2d6+4, rather than 3d6. Still roll in the order of stats.

You can bring any third-party OSE class you like, just send me the class description.

If you would like, you can take the 3d6 roll for initial money and cross-reference with Starting Equipment Packs for the class most similar to your chosen class.

Movement Rates and Inventory

Movement rates represent how quickly you can move in small-scale and large-scale travel. They are determined by you STR score, and modified by backpacks, carts, beasts of burden, etc. Movement rates are expressed in inches, but converted to dungeon scale and hex scale when appropriate.

You can use either a classic (coin or pound-based) encumbrance system to determine movement rate, or a slot-based encumbrance. If using classic methods, follow that of OSE. If using slot based, you should count how many slots you can carry per movement rate. First, count how many slots you have. 1 slot of items can be carried and used in one hand. A sword, bag of 100 gold, or holy symbol take 1 slot. A two-handed sword, bow, or large box take 2 slots. If more than 2 hands are required to hold a thing (e.g. large crate), then it takes up that many slots. Items can be bundled into one slot should they fit in one hand together.

Calculate your inventory block size: 4 + (STR - 14 if positive) + 2 (if backpack or sack). Count your slots, and see how many 'blocks' it ends up being. Your Movement rate is (12 - 3 * blocks filled) inches.

The movement rates get converted to dungeon rooms per dungeon turn, or hexes per day, according to chart below:

Movement Rate Careful Movement Quick Movement
12" 2 3
9" 1 2
6" 1/2 1
< 3" 1/3 1/2

If you move quickly, you spring traps and are surprised by encounters.

Beasts of Burden have an inventory score of 12, but move twice as far overland.

Haggling and Currency

If you would like to haggle for a discount, a roll will be made against a reputation table of good and bad deeds to determine a +/- 5% surcharge or discount. Every +/-5 % discount beyond that modifies the roll, and must be declared before the roll is made.

The game uses a silver shilling standard, so 1XP per SP. Shillings are the most common form of currency.

Play Reports

Every play report written is 100 XP.

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Session Reports

Session 4 (10/9)

As reported by Gerda the Thief.

  After days of hard travel, fraught with hard times (e.g. asshole bandits), we woke up with one idea in mind: find that wizard and get some answers. 
The wizard is sadly little more than an alchemist and has no cure for myself, Ben, and Increase’s crystal madness.
The wizard cottage is quaint but has a strange secret, there’s a strange otherworldly iron door that has appeared in his attic and we entered to ensure no creatures would come out and harm the wizard.  Instead Mary was harmed one step into this place.
(he will pay us for information and protection of his home) 

The first room has two small but disgusting winged eyes flying around, we vanquished only after one got an attack off at Mary. 
In the next large round room was three humanoids hung in front of raised door, the party bypassed this and squeezed through the other doorway to the room with the table and box. Lock picking the box revealed nothing more than expired incense. 
The third room, loving dubbed the “Shit Room” had a bar full of its namesake and two fancy goblets with gemstones- hopefully we can sell them. 
Onward we drove into the “Shit Closet”, quickly we left to the hallway and turning right into a very large room with a Tree- a tree with fruit that lets you hear strange voices. 
We headed back to the wizard to sleep but encountered five strange Lunarians with two dogs with horse heads- no words were shared but by the simple fact they didn't kill us I feel as though these fellows had goodness in their hearts. 

Once back, before we slept, the wizard told us about the moon kingdom and it’s city. (not much of help, there’s a theater?)  We decided that in the morn we will head back into that strange door and try to find unworldly loot.