
The ruined factory stood three stories high in an otherwise featureless landscape. Although somewhat imposing on its own terms, it occupied only the most unobstrusive place within the the gray emptiness of its surroundings, its presence serving as a mere accent upon a desolate horizon. […] the whole of the Red Tower, as the factory was known, had always been subject to fadings at certain times. This phenomenon, in the delirious or dying words of several witnesses, was due to a profound hostility between the noisy and malodorous operations of the facility and the desolate purity of the landscape surrounding it, the conflict occasionally resulting in temporary erasures, or fadings, of the former by the latter.

Thomas Ligotti, “The Red Tower”

Here there are houses which dribble pale mucus, an organic daubing that smears base façades and oozes from top windows. Extra storeys are rendered in the cold white muck which fills gaps between houses and dead-end alleys. The landscape is defaced with ripples as if wax has melted and set suddenly across the rooftops. Some other intelligence has mad these human streets their own.

China Miéville, Perdido Street Station

This is background set and setting toolbox for a dark fantasy setting. Inspired by the desolate spectrum from RuneScape’s Morytania to the paintings of Zdzisław Beksiński, these random tables should help you build a setting of any level of structure or detail.

Other media that may be inspirational:


Zombie Herder

+2 Immune System

+1 Anatomy

+1 Navigation

You work directing the shambling masses to someone deserving of this fate.

Possessions: Ten-foot shepherd’s crook, pet vulture, leather coat (modest armour)

Portrait Guard

+1 Reflexes

+1 Sword

+1 Acuity

The portraits under guard here must not be viewed nor listened to. Nor may they be allowed to leave.

Possessions: Sword, blindfold, skeleton key

Crow Speaker

+2 Crow Speech

+2 Evasion

They have always spoken to you. They never stop. Even when you scream and cry, they never stop.

Possessions: Many black feathers, 3d6 stolen coins, croaking voice

Cockroach Knight

+3 Glide

+3 Survive Wound

You have survived a long time. You have lost limbs, taken hits, but you can keep crawling.

Possessions: Golden wings, exoskeleton armour (heavily armoured), lance

Puppet Master

+2 Divination

+2 Entertain

You don’t move the puppets, though it seems like it. In reality, the puppets move the world. Sometimes they portray the truth.

Possessions: 3 Marionettes, cane, pet monkey

Cultist of the Mask

+3 Disguise

+2 Impersonation

You have many names, many guises, and many masks. You have an unrecognizable face.

Possessions: 3 monstrous masks, robes, beast claw dagger

Spirit Guide

+3 Clairvoyance

+2 Rituals

You know the esoteric rituals to release souls from any bonds tying them to torment in the mortal realm.

Possessions: Ritual knife, candles, ghostspeak amulet

Special: With several hours and your starting possessions, you can release a tormented soul into the beyond (or lack thereof).

Gargoyle Rider

+3 Riding

+1 Sculpting Stone

+1 Shooting

+1 Monster Taming

Have you seen stone move so fluidly? Float like a feather? Chip and shatter when struck wrong?

Possessions: Gargoyle steed, metal crop, crossbow

Special: Your gargoyle steed may be driven beyond a walk with the crop, but striking requires a successful Riding test lest a chip break off. After 5 breakages, the next hit shatters the gargoyle after its last ride.


+2 Digestive Constitution

+2 Regeneration

+2 Fungal Communication

Your wide cap and deep gills let you breathe deep the stench of all that rots. Your mycelium picks up scant traces of fungal delight. You crave the coolness of grave earth.

Feral Vampire

+3 Pounce

+2 Bite

+1 Speak Bat

You are so hungry. Nothing appeases it. You lack the strength of your more powerful siblings, but you are clever. You survive.

Special: When you drink the blood of a warm creature, gain d6 stamina, 2d6 if the creature is a sentient humanoid.

Parasitic Nightmare

+3 Torment

+3 Telepathy

You have no body. You inhabit the minds of dreamers, until their consciousness collapses and you may direct their body.

Possessions: None.

Special: On a successful telepathy test on a sleeping person, you transfer hosts. After hours of nightmare, you control the new host.

Corrupted Priest

+3 Evil Resistance

+3 Monstrous Transformation

+3 Divination

Born of a holy thing, but then infected with something dark and evil, you are a walking paradox. Your presence is rejected by all, good and evil, but the powerful fusion in your soul left you immensely perceptive.

Possessions: Robes, Incense

Rag and Bone Man

+3 Impale

+3 Bear Weight

You have a collection. Your extra bones protrude from every bare inch of skin, shredding any that approach you.

Possessions: Bones, oversized femur club


+3 Suffocate

+2 Tracking

+1 Squeeze

You are coated with ooze, slime, and sludge of every putrid kind. You are filled with it. You are immensely flexible, and vulnerable to lacerations.

Possessions: Curved knife, loincloth, walking stick


+3 Claws

+3 Chase

You transform into a monstrosity - its form mangled, bony, and flabby. Lanky clawed arms extend from odd places and bend in the wrong directions. You are an expert tracker as well.

Possessions: Ragged remains of clothing, maul, decapitated snack

SPECIAL: At character creation, choose one of the following as a transformation trigger: anger, hunger, or regret.

Living Abomination

+3 Physicality

+3 Eloquence

Flesh collage reanimated, you were brought back to be the ultimate being. It was almost successful. Though you cannot fulfill your glorious destiny, you will do anything to crush the sentient vermin that scuttle across the world.

Possessions: Bloodstained book of poetry, bone saw, claw hammer

Fallen Paladin

+3 Sword

+3 Drain Energy

You once set out to this land to cleanse it of evil. You were transformed into a vengeful wight for your hubris.

Possessions: Sword, Armor, Holy symbol


+3 Climb

+2 Bite

+1 Sense Movement

Too many limbs, too many eyes. You are formed of an experiment, one that met its desired end.

Special: You can spray silk once per day, restraining or pinning an opponent.

Possessions: bits of leftover prey

Voice Collector

+3 Impersonate (by voice)

+2 Steal voice

You have taken the voices of many. You use them to your own ends, despite how much the consciousness protests within you.

Dead God’s Plaything

+3 Entertain

+2 Bend Reality

You danced for a now forgotten god. You were given powerful gifts, bringing you further influence and power. You wrested a small fraction of your master’s power, giving you unnatural abilities.

Possessions: Vampiric spear, amulet of deception.

Trumpeter of the Outerworld

+2 Transform other




1 Plague-ridden village
2 Dangerous, fetid swamp
3 Barren, wind-swept tundra
4 Dense, thicketed forest
5 Barren, xeric desert
6 Abandoned castle